Vanrhynsdorp, Cape West Coast

Vanrhynsdorp is situated in the folds of the towering Matzikamma and Gifberg Mountains on the N7, 300 km north of Cape Town, en route to Namibia.

Vanrhynsdorp is in administrative terms part of the Western Cape Province, but geographically, Vanrhynsdorp is part of the Namaqualand Region and is the hub of the flower routes. Vanrhynsdorp is the start of the the vast, semi-desert Nama Karoo, with its typical vegetation of succulents and semi-arid climate.

For a short time every year (after good winter rains, around August to September) the countryside here erupts into a show of colour as spans of wildflowers bloom. Vanrhynsdorp is an ideal base from which the Namaqualand flower areas may be explored.

Vanrhynsdorp is home to a succulent nursery that is the largest of its kind in the world. This nursery has become the centre of preservation of a large variety of indigenous succulents. These fascinating plants attract the attention of visitors from all over the world as the nursery houses some 500 species of indigenous succulents of which about 50 are endemic to the area.

Additional Reading

If you are heading out this way you will find this article of interest - "Vanrhynsdorp discovered".

Travellers' Reviews

1 Review from travellers. All reviews are verified.

Verified reviewexcellent

Gedurende Desember 2012 het ek en my man deur die Noord Kaap getoer met ons motorfietse en besluit om in Vanrhynsdorp uit te span aangesien dit in die middel van die Nama Karoo is. Ons het vir 3 dae by die karavaanpark in Vanrhynsdorp uitgekamp waar ons verskillende plekke besoek het soos bv. "the mission", die radio museum en die museum wat in die tronk is. Ons het selfs die koppies daarnaby uitgeklim waar daar natuurlike bergstome vloei en die water drinkbaar is. 'n Defnitiewe moet is die kwekery wat die mees gefasineerde plante het. Wat eetplekke aanbetref is daar genoeg van en selfs die kafee op die hoek wat snoek en chips verkoop.

Ronéll Roelofse (Randfontein, Gauteng)

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