As one of the most bio-diverse countries in the world, South Africa boasts an inordinate number of bird species, making it a fabulous destination for keen bird-watchers and wildlife enthusiasts. In fact, of the hundreds of species here, there are more than 160 species that are endemic or near-endemic, which means that they come only from South Africa or its immediate neighbours.
Visitors to the South African coast will enjoy spotting the African penguin or the African black oystercatcher (with its striking red beak). Other beautiful endemic or near-endemic birdlife species include the Cape white-eye, Knysna turaco, South African shelduck, Hottentot buttonquail, and the Cape parrot.
When heading to the bush, river, forest or coast, always be sure to take binoculars along to spot some exciting and, perhaps, rare birds.
The African Black Oystercatcher also known as African oystercatcher, is a large wader which is a resident breeder on the rocky coasts and islands...
Endemic to Southern Africa, the African Penguin is listed as a vulnerable species. Also known as the black-footed penguin is only found along the...
The Blue Crane, the national bird of South Africa, has declined mostly due to loss of habitat (human population growth), direct and indirect pois...
The Bokmakierie is a brilliant yellow, green and grey shrike. The bill is shortish, strong, with a sharp hook at the end of the upper mandible. T...
Also known as the Cape spurfowl, the Cape francolin is endemic to the Western Cape of South Africa, although it can also be found in some parts o...
Cape Gannets are easily recognised for their eye-catching black and white plumage which appears silky, giving them a graceful, swan-like appearan...
The Cape griffon is not only aesthetically striking, but it is also particularly intelligent. It is commonly called either the Cape vulture or th...
The Cape parrot is beautifully adorned with equally generous smatterings of a stubborn, inquisitive character. They are critically endangered in ...
The Cape Sugarbird is a species restricted to the Cape Fynbos, showing a distinct preference for Fynbos, which has many protea plants. The Cape S...
The beautiful jackal buzzard is endemic to the southern part of Africa, and is characterised by its plumage, which is striking and fascinating up...
The Knysna Lourie (also known as Knysna Turaco) is a large green bird with a short hooked bill and brilliant red wings. The Knysna Turaco is foun...
The Namaqua sandgrouse is nothing short of gorgeous, with vivid markings and a stout stature that gives them character. The juveniles and females...
The Pale Chanting Goshawk is a beautiful, medium-sized bird of prey with an elegant poise about it. Both the male and female have grey plumage th...
While there are many ibises throughout South Africa (the hadeda being the most common of these), the southern bald ibis is significantly less com...
The Yellow-billed Hornbill is a common resident in South Africa. They are commonly seen in scrub and dry woodland areas, particularly in the Krug...
Acacia Pied Barbet | Tricholaema leucomelas |
African Black Oystercatcher | Haematopus moquini |
African Penguin | Spheniscus demersus |
African Red-eyed Bulbul | Pycnonotus nigricans |
African Rock Pipit | Anthus crenatus |
Agulhas Clapper Lark | Mirafra marjoriae |
Agulhas Long-billed Lark | Certhilauda [c.] brevirostris |
Anteating Chat | Myrmecocichla formicivora |
Ashy Tit | Parus cinerascens |
Bank Cormorant | Phalacrocorax neglectus |
Bare-cheeked Babbler | Turdoides gymnogenys |
Barlow's Lark | Certhilauda [e.] barlowi |
Barratt's Warbler | Bradypterus barratti |
Barred Wren-Warbler | Calamonastes fasciolatus |
Barrow's Korhaan | Eupodotis [s.] barrowii |
Benguela Long-billed Lark | Certhilauda [c.] benguelensis |
Black Harrier | Circus maurus |
Black-chested Prinia | Prinia flavicans |
Black-eared Seedeater | Serinus mennelli |
Black-eared Sparrowlark | Eremopterix australis |
Black-faced Babbler | Turdoides melanops |
Blue Crane | Anthropoides paradisea |
Blue Korhaan | Eupodotis caerulescens |
Bokmakierie Shrike | Telophorus zeylonus |
Botha's Lark | Spizocorys fringillaris |
Bradfield's Hornbill | Tockus bradfieldi |
Bradfield's Swift | Apus bradfieldi |
Brown Scrub-Robin | Cercotrichas signata |
Buff-streaked Chat | Oenanthe bifasciata |
Burchell's Coucal | Centropus burchelli |
Burchell's Courser | Cursorius rufus |
Burchell's Sandgrouse | Pterocles burchelli |
Burchell's Starling | Lamprotornis australis |
Bush Blackcap | Lioptilus nigricapillus |
Cape Batis | Batis capensis |
Cape Bulbul | Pycnonotus capensis |
Cape Clapper Lark | Mirafra apiata |
Cape Cormorant | Phalacrocorax capensis |
Cape Francolin | Pternistes capensis |
Cape Gannet | Morus capensis |
Cape Glossy Starling | Lamprotornis nitens |
Cape Grassbird | Sphenoeacus afer |
Cape Griffon Vulture | Gyps coprotheres |
Cape Gull | Larus [d.] vetula |
Cape Long-billed Lark | Certhilauda [c.] curvirostris |
Cape Longclaw | Macronyx capensis |
Cape Parrot | Poicephalus robustus |
Cape Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus minutus |
Cape Rock-jumper | Chaetops frenatus |
Cape Rock-Thrush | Monticola rupestris |
Cape Shoveler | Anas smithii |
Cape Siskin | Pseudochloroptila totta |
Cape Sparrow | Passer melanurus |
Cape Sugarbird | Promerops cafer |
Cape Teal | Anas capensis |
Cape Weaver | Ploceus capensis |
Carp's Tit | Parus carpi |
Chat Flycatcher | Bradornis infuscatus |
Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler | Parisoma subcaeruleum |
Chirinda Apalis | Apalis chirindensis |
Chorister Robin-Chat | Cossypha dichroa |
Cinderella Waxbill | Estrilda thomensis |
Cinnamon-breasted Warbler | Euryptila subcinnamomea |
Crimson-breasted Shrike | Laniarius atrococcineus |
Crowned Cormorant | Phalacrocorax coronatus |
Damara Tern | Sterna balaenarum |
Double-banded Sandgrouse | Pterocles bicinctus |
Drakensberg Prinia | Prinia [m.] hypoxantha |
Drakensberg Rock-jumper | Chaetops aurantius |
Drakensberg Siskin | Pseudochloroptila symonsi |
Dune Lark | Certhilauda erythrochlamys |
Dusky Sunbird | Cinnyris fusca |
Eastern Clapper Lark | Mirafra fasciolata |
Eastern Long-billed Lark | Certhilauda [c.] semitorquata |
Fairy Flycatcher | Stenostira scita |
Fiscal Flycatcher | Sigelus silens |
Forest Buzzard | Buteo trizonatus |
Forest Canary | Serinus scotops |
Gray's Lark | Ammomanes grayi |
Great Sparrow | Passer motitensis |
Greater Double-collared Sunbird | Cinnyris afra |
Greater Striped Swallow | Hirundo cucullata |
Grey Tit | Parus afer |
Grey-backed Cisticola | Cisticola subruficapillus |
Grey-backed Sparrowlark | Eremopterix verticalis |
Grey-winged Francolin | Scleroptila africanus |
Ground Woodpecker | Geocolaptes olivaceus |
Gurney's Sugarbird | Promerops gurneyi |
Hartlaub's Francolin | Pternistes hartlaubi |
Hartlaub's Gull | Larus hartlaubii |
Herero Chat | Namibornis herero |
Hottentot Buttonquail | Turnix hottentotta |
Jackal Buzzard | Buteo rufofuscus |
Kalahari Scrub-Robin | Cercotrichas paena |
Karoo Chat | Cercomela schlegelii |
Karoo Eremomela | Eremomela gregalis |
Karoo Korhaan | Eupodotis vigorsii |
Karoo Lark | Certhilauda albescens |
Karoo Long-billed Lark | Certhilauda [c.] subcoronata |
Karoo Prinia | Prinia maculosa |
Karoo Scrub-Robin | Cercotrichas coryphaeus |
Knysna Turaco | Tauraco corythaix |
Knysna Warbler | Bradypterus sylvaticus |
Knysna Woodpecker | Campethera notata |
Large-billed Lark | Galerida magnirostris |
Lark-like Bunting | Emberiza impetuani |
Layard's Tit-Babbler | Parisoma layardi |
Lemon-breasted Canary | Serinus citrinipectus |
Long-tailed Pipit | Anthus longicaudatus |
Ludwig's Bustard | Neotis ludwigii |
Marico Flycatcher | Bradornis mariquensis |
Melodious Lark | Mirafra cheniana |
Meves's Starling | Lamprotornis mevesii |
Monotonous Lark | Mirafra passerina |
Monteiro's Hornbill | Tockus monteiri |
Mountain Wheatear | Oenanthe monticola |
Namaqua Sandgrouse | Pterocles namaqua |
Namaqua Warbler | Phragmacia substriata |
Natal Francolin | Pternistes natalensis |
Neergaard's Sunbird | Cinnyris neergaardi |
Northern Black Korhaan | Eupodotis [a.] afraoides |
Olive Bush-Shrike | Telophorus olivaceus |
Orange River Francolin | Scleroptila levaillantoides |
Orange-breasted Sunbird | Anthobaphes violacea |
Pale Chanting Goshawk | Melierax canorus |
Pale-winged Starling | Onychognathus nabouroup |
Pied Starling | Spreo bicolor |
Pink-billed Lark | Spizocorys conirostris |
Pink-throated Twinspot | Hypargos margaritatus |
Pririt Batis | Batis pririt |
Protea Seedeater | Serinus leucopterus |
Red Lark | Certhilauda burra |
Red-billed Francolin | Pternistes adspersus |
Red-crested Korhaan | Eupodotis ruficrista |
Red-headed Finch | Amadina erythrocephala |
Robert's Warbler | Oreophilais robertsi |
Rockrunner | Achaetops pycnopygius |
Rosy-faced Lovebird | Agapornis roseicollis |
Rudd's Apalis | Apalis ruddi |
Rudd's Lark | Heteromirafra ruddi |
Rufous-eared Warbler | Malcorus pectoralis |
Ruppell's Korhaan | Eupodotis rueppellii |
Ruppell's Parrot | Poicephalus rueppellii |
Sabota Lark (incl. Bradfield's) | Mirafra sabota |
Scaly-feathered Finch | Sporopipes squamifrons |
Sclater's Lark | Spizocorys sclateri |
Sentinel Rock-Thrush | Monticola explorator |
Shaft-tailed Whydah | Vidua regia |
Short-clawed Lark | Certhilauda chuana |
Short-toed Rock-Thrush (incl. Transvaal) | Monticola brevipes |
Sickle-winged Chat | Cercomela sinuata |
Slaty Egret | Egretta vinaceigula |
Sociable Weaver | Philetairus socius |
South African Cliff-Swallow | Hirundo spilodera |
South African Shelduck | Tadorna cana |
Southern Bald Ibis | Geronticus calvus |
Southern Black Korhaan | Eupodotis afra |
Southern Black Tit | Parus niger |
Southern Boubou | Laniarius ferrugineus |
Southern Double-collared Sunbird | Cinnyris chalybea |
Southern Pied Babbler | Turdoides bicolor |
Southern Tchagra | Tchagra tchagra |
Southern White-crowned Shrike | Eurocephalus anguitimens |
Spike-heeled Lark | Chersomanes albofasciata |
Stark's Lark | Eremalauda starki |
Swainson's Spurfowl | Pternistes swainsonii |
Swee Waxbill | Estrilda melanotis |
Tractrac Chat | Cercomela tractrac |
Victorin's Warbler | Bradypterus victorini |
Violet Wood-Hoopoe | Phoeniculus damarensis |
Violet-eared Waxbill | Granatina granatina |
White-backed Mousebird | Colius colius |
White-tailed Shrike | Lanioturdus torquatus |
White-throated Canary | Serinus albogularis |
White-throated Robin-Chat | Cossypha humeralis |
Yellow Canary | Serinus flaviventris |
Yellow-breasted Pipit | Anthus chloris |
Yellow-billed Hornbill | Tockus leucomelas |® has been assisting travellers with their South Africa travel plans since 1999, and is the largest, independent online travel guide for South Africa available in both English and German. © 1999-2025. All Rights Reserved. Find and book hotels and accommodation in South Africa. Sitemap