About Manyanani Peace Park

The Peace Park, known as the Manyanani Peace Park, which is Xhosa for 'to bring people together', lies in Khayelitsha.

Did you know? You can book to visit the Manyanani Peace Park by appointment with Christina Kaba, where you will meet the community. But give at least a week's notice.

The development of the peace park on degraded land in the township was a bid to remove the conflict between two communities who subsequently became friends. The source of the conflict? One group was paying for services, whilst the other was not. Now both pay for their services.

The Manyanani Peace Park was founded in 1995 on the anniversary of the first democratic elections of South Africa. It is the first of its kind in Cape Town, and possibly in South Africa.

The park is 1.8 hectares of land on which there are indigenous lawns, trees and groundcovers, an open air amphitheatre, pathways, benches, a half-size soccer field, an open-air basketball court, a small community centre and a playground.

Manyanani Peace Park was initiated by Abalimi Bezekhaya. When translated, Abalimi Bezekhaya means 'farmers of home'. The civil society organisation, lead by Rob Small, does just that. It empowers people from the informal settlements of the Cape Flats with the resources and the skills, so that they can grow their own food.

Over a period, if they want to, they can also begin to sell the surplus from their plots back to the organisation's vegetable box scheme, Harvest of Hope, that supplies organically grown vegetables to people in Cape Town via schools.

Farmers who learn at Abalimi get training, garden tips and consistent help and monitoring. Most of the farmers are women who can now pay for their electricity, water, food and schools.

Need to Know

WhereManyanani Peace Park, Section A, Khayelitsha, Cape Flats, Cape Town, South Africa

WhenBooking is essential

Telephone+27 (0)21 371-1653

OvernightStay in Cape Flats Accommodation, Cape Town


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