7 Places of Interest in Dinokeng

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 places of interest

Nature Reserves

Buffelsdrift Conservancy

Lying on the western boundaries of the Dinokeng area, between the Roodeplaat Dam and the N1 highway, Buffelsdrift Conservancy has become a fairly popular place to visit not only because it is so easy to reach, so close to both Pretoria and Johannesburg, ...

Landmarks / Museums

Cullinan Diamond Mine

Just twenty minutes’ drive from Pretoria brings one to the quaint little town of Cullinan that time appears to have little affected. The Cullinan Diamond Mine, also known as the Premier Diamond Mine, has uncovered some of the largest diamonds in the ...

Game Reserves

Dinokeng Game Reserve

Why Dinokeng Game Reserve is such an attraction is because it provides Big 5 game viewing really close to Pretoria - half an hour, or an hour from OR Tambo International Airport. Which means you can simply fall out of the plane and be in the 'bush' ...

Nature Reserves

Rietvlei Nature Reserve

The Rietvlei Nature Reserve is one of the world's largest urban nature reserves, 3 800 hectares in extent, situated south of the city but still within the city limits. The Rietvlei Nature Reserve lies very close to the highway between Pretoria and OR ...

Lakes / Dams / Nature Reserves

Roodeplaat Dam Nature Reserve

The Roodeplaat dam was constructed in 1956 and was initially called the 'Pienaars Rivier Dam'. The Dam supplied the surrounding landowners with irrigation and was later developed into a tourism destination. Rich with abundant fish, bird and wildlife, the ...

Nature Reserves

Rust De Winter Nature Reserve

The pretty Rust de Winter Nature Reserve lies north east of Hammanskraal and close enough to the N1 and Pretoria to make a weekend of it. Places like Rust de Winter, which is part of the larger still in its development phase (although word has it that ...


Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum

If you want to really step back in time and experience farming as it once was, then the Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum, just 40 kilometres east of Pretoria, with the largest collection of farming implements in the country and a pretty unique ...

Dinokeng as a destination

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