Attractions IN/AROUND Bakoven


Atlantic Seaboard Beaches

Where? From the V&A Waterfront to Hout Bay. Includes Clifton, Camps Bay, Bakoven, Llandudno, Hout Bay. Go there to be seen, to people watch, for less wind, tanning, swimming, sundowners. This is where the more fashionable set go to see and be seen. The ...

Landmarks / Beaches

Cape Town Beaches

The Mother City has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and something to offer everyone. It is no surprise that South Africa was one of the first countries outside of Europe to earn blue flag status for some of her beaches - there are three ...

Mountain Passes

Suikerbossie Pass

One of Cape Town's most scenic hills, Suikerbossie's crest is what makes this relatively straight, but killer steep incline (ask anyone who has ridden the Argus and they will tell you how difficult it is to manage this last climb of the 105 km race), one ...

National Parks

Table Mountain National Park

At the south-western tip of South Africa, the Table Mountain National Park encompasses the incredibly scenic Peninsula mountain chain stretching from Signal Hill in the north to Cape Point in the south, a distance of approximately 60 km. The narrow ...

Marine Protected Areas

Table Mountain NP Marine Protected Area

The seas around the Cape Peninsula all the way up the coast to Mouille Point on the Atlantic Seaboard, and up the False Bay coast as far as Muizenberg, fall within the Table Mountain National Park. This 956 km˛ stretch of ocean is where the cold ...

Landmarks / National Monuments

The Rotunda

The Victorian Rotunda, a beautiful, geometrical domed building, was the epitome of high society in Cape Town at the turn of the century when it was built as part of a hotel and functioned as an events venue. Even today, despite its being a ...

Landmarks / Mountain Passes

Twelve Apostles

The stretch between Bakoven and Oudekraal is dominated by a series of mountains known as the Twelve Apostles, after Jesus' disciples, which is a bit of an anomaly because there are actually seventeen or eighteen ...

... and a little further afield

Landmarks / Botanical Gardens

Biodiversity Showcase Garden

Set in Cape Town's Green Point Urban Park, the Biodiversity Garden is an incredible space in which to immerse yourself in a selection of the unique flora indemic to Cape Town. It features no fewer than 300 local plant species, animal sculptures, ...

Birdlife or Wildlife Sanctuaries / Landmarks / Popular Tourist Routes / Uniquely South African / World Heritage Sites

Cape Floral Region

Cape Floristic Region is a South African UNESCO World Heritage Site: Cape Floral Region Protected Areas in the Western Cape Province, South Africa also known as The Cape Floral ...

Landmarks / Yacht Clubs

Cape Grace Marina

The Cape Grace Marina, nestled in the heart of Cape Town’s iconic V&A Waterfront, offers a world-class docking experience in one of the city’s most exclusive settings. Surrounded by the vibrant energy of the Waterfront and framed by the majestic backdrop ...


Cape Medical Museum

Contained in the New Somerset Hospital, the old city hospital for contagious diseases built by Sir George Grey the governor of the Cape in 1859 the Cape Medical Museum is a great visit if you are interested in the history of medicine, particularly as it ...

Wine Routes

Cape Point Wine Route

It was only in 1998 that the new Cape Point Wine District was declared and the Cape Point Vineyards are still relatively new on the tourist itinerary. They were established in 1996 with the first vines on the Noordhoek wine estate, overlooking Noordhoek ...

Entertainment / Shopping

Cape Town Shopping

For the international Tourist, shopping in Cape Town is relatively inexpensive due to the favourable exchange rate and comparatively low production costs. For the Tourist, jewellery is particularly inexpensive and as many of South Africa's most talented ...

Landmarks / Miscellaneous

Chapmans Peak Blockhouse

The Chapmans Peak Block House dates back to the time when the earliest Dutch settlers indentified Hout Bay as a great spot to anchor when the windy Table Bay became too dangerous. But, because it was such an ideal place to stop, they realised that it was ...


Chapmans Peak Drive

Chapman's Peak stands imposingly at the heart of Chapman's Peak Drive, connecting Hout Bay with Noordhoek along one of the most dramatic marine routes in the world that hugs the coast of the Atlantic for nine kilometres. Chapman's Peak Drive climbs ...

Landmarks / Miscellaneous

Charles Darwin's Rocks

Look out to sea over the edge of Sea Point's promenade, on the south end of Queens Beach, and you will see a group of immediately striking, oddly striated rocks. They are known as Darwin's Rocks - not because he ...

2010 Stadiums / Landmarks

Green Point Stadium

During the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ event, the Cape Town Stadium was known as Green Point Stadium. However, it was renamed after the event. It was constructed on the site of the original Green Point Stadium. For the purposes of this international ...

Bakoven as a destination

Also in the neighbourhood

Bantry Bay, Camps Bay, Cape Point, Chapmans Peak, Clifton, Fresnaye, Granger Bay, Green Point, Hout Bay, Kommetjie, Llandudno, Misty Cliffs, Mouille Point, Noordhoek, Oudekraal, Scarborough, Sea Point, Three Anchor Bay, V&A Waterfront

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