About Molyneux Nature Reserve

Molyneux is a small nature reserve, roughly 5.5 hectares, in the north of the De Beers mining town of Kleinzee. This Northern Cape town, once the quarters of mining employees, is now open to tourists who visit for its pristine coastline, bird life and serenity.

The little nature reserve falls within the Namaqualand, one of 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world and regarded as the world's most remarkable desert for its wild spring flowers.

Did you know? Molyneux is alive with endemic plants and a huge diversity of tiny succulents (fat plants with some parts that are more than normally thickened and fleshy).

Molyneux was set aside as a nature reserve by De Beers, after mining extensively along the coastline. Highlights include the Trapsuutjies hike within the reserve - named after a chameleon (in Afrikaans chameleons have two names: verkleurmannetjies, or colourful little men, and trapsuutjies, which means to step carefully) because of the need to tread gently along the route.

Trapsuutjies is a 5 km hike that explores the reserve's plants, a total of 132 indigenous species, 80 of which are succulent and 21 species are bulbs. The tourism centre, alongside the Kleinzee Museum, offers pamphlets for the hike.

Molyneux is probably named after the exploration geologist, Richard Molyneux, who worked for De Beers because of his commitment to sustainable development.

Need to Know

WhereKleinzee, Namaqualand, Northern Cape, South Africa

WhenDaylight hours.

OvernightStay in Kleinzee Accommodation, Northern Cape


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