About Nylsvley Nature Reserve

The Nylsvley Nature Reserve is situated in the upper reaches of the Nyl River near the town of Mookgophong (Naboomspruit) in Limpopo, and includes part of the largest floodplain vlei in South Africa.

Did you know? Breeding of endangered Roan antelope, which use the floodplain extensively, and rare Tsessebe is another of the conservation priorities and appealing features of the Nylsvley Nature reserve.

The Nylsvley Nature Reserve is well known for its exceptional avifaunal diversity, with 370 species recorded, of which 102 are waterfowl. During good rainy seasons the floodplain becomes a hive of activity, with the best estimate for water bird numbers being approximately 80 000. The system also plays an important role for frogs and fish, which gather in large numbers to breed when the floodplain becomes flooded.

Of the 102 waterfowl species recorded on the floodplain, 58 are known to breed in the wetland, more than on any other South African wetland. Twenty three of the waterfowl species are Red Data listed and eight of these are known to breed here.

The number of bird species recorded on the entire floodplain is 412, almost half the total number of bird species in South Africa.

Breeding of endangered Roan antelope, which use the floodplain extensively, and rare Tsessebe is another of the conservation priorities and appealing features of the reserve.

Nylsvley Nature Reserve is regarded as one of the premier bird-watching localities in the country. Most of the thousands of visitors who visit the reserve each year are birdwatchers.

Scientific research is also an important component of the reserve, making it one of the most intensively studied sites in the world. Various international scientists still conduct research in the Nylsvley reserve and surrounding areas.

Need to Know

WhereNylsvley Nature Reserve, Mookgophong (Naboomspruit), Waterberg, Limpopo, South Africa

WhenBest during daylight hours.

OvernightStay in Waterberg Accommodation, Limpopo


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