About Vaalkop Dam Nature Reserve

Just 90 minutes from Johannesburg and 30 minutes from Sun City, the Vaalkop Dam Nature Reserve is relatively easy for both visitors to Johannesburg and Pretoria to reach, situated as it is 54 kilometres from Brits north-east of Rustenburg.

Did you know?

Vaalkop Dam Nature Reserve is dominated by broken bushveld, a renowned area for both lovers of fishing and birds, and a lovely space in which to spend a day picnicking, canoeing or just gently idling away the time on the shore of the dam, spotting the bird life that includes exciting visitors like the acacia pied barbet, white-throated robin-chat, Marico flycatcher, and black-faced waxbill.

The night veld is also alive with sound, if you stay at the camping site on the northern edge of the dam. The North West Parks Bird Sanctuary, an 800 hectare section of the reserve, also lies along this leg of the dam, although it isn't accessible to the public but it does mean that there are exciting birds that pass along this part of the shore. The spotted eagle-owl, barn owls and the African crake are all vocal here at night.

If you're not into birding then climbing Bulkop, the koppie that dominates the skyline west of the dam wall, is a great climb, although you need permission from the farm on which it rests.

There are a myriad walks and bicycle rides throughout Vaalkop Dam Nature Reserve, and boat rides simply to drink in the beauty of the surrounds are a must. And there is always a chance that you'll encounter a herd of buffalo, a couple of wading hippos or a White rhino come down to drink at sunset.

Need to Know

WhereVaalkop Dam Nature Reserve, Rustenburg, Bojanala, North West Province, South Africa

WhenDaylight hours.

Telephone+27 (0)12 277-1670

OvernightStay in Rustenburg Accommodation, North West Province


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