About Vergelegen Nature Reserve

One of a number of nature reserves in the Southern Drakensberg that also form part of the World Heritage Site of the Drakensberg Ukhahlamba Park, Vergelegen Nature Reserve lies north of Himeville and west of Howick.

Did you know? The 1159 hectare reserve is best known as a trout fisherman's destination because of the great access to fly fishing.

As its name implies, Vergelegen (lying far) lies in one of the most beautiful and unspoilt wilderness areas within the Drakensberg. It lies on the headwaters of the Mkhomazi Wilderness Area, adjacent to the Cobham Nature Reserve.

Normally Vergelegen Nature Reserve is closed to the public but you can enter on arrangement with the local ranger in Himeville. Adding to its isolation is the poor condition of the access road - without a 4x4 vehicle there would be no point to heading out here.

But this very isolation is responsible for access to incredibly large wild brown trout, hence the popularity with fishermen, and a number of buck that obviously enjoy the isolation from human activity, bar the odd hiker as Vergelegen gives one access to Thaba Ntlenyana, the highest peak in Southern Africa.

There is no accommodation available within Vergelegen Nature Reserve but one can stay in either Himeville, Nottingham Road or Underberg for easy access.

Need to Know

WhereVergelegen Nature Reserve, +/- 35 km from Himeville, Southern Drakensberg, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

WhenDaylight hours.

Telephone+27 (0)33 702-0831

OvernightStay in Drakensberg Accommodation, KwaZulu Natal


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