0 Lothair Hotels

Sorry, there are no hotels listed in Lothair at the moment.
For your convenience, we've listed some alternatives, in nearby towns, below.

Showing the 15 closest hotels (as the crow flies)

22.4 km away in Chrissiesmeer Guest House

Miss Chrissie's Country House

Sleeps 24 people in 10 rooms

Situated in Chrissiesmeer, this lovingly restored country house oozes charm and character while still retaining many of ...

Very Good [10 verified reviews]

  • from 1240
  • R
  • 1178
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is not offered
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Miss Chrissie's Country House does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

45.9 km away in Ermelo Guest House

The Stella Guest House and Spa

Sleeps 8 people in 4 rooms

The Stella Guest House and Spa is a stylish guest house set in the picturesque town of Ermelo. This tranquil area is ...

  • from 1800
  • R
  • 1710
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

47 km away in Ermelo Hotel

Kayise Boutique Hotel

Sleeps 68 people in 34 rooms

Situated in the Highveld of Mpumalanga in Ermelo you will find Kayise Boutique Hotel. Offering relaxation, comfort, ...

Good [2 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 895
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • Airport transfers can be arranged
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Kayise Boutique Hotel does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

47.2 km away in Ermelo Hotel / Guest House

44 On Ennis Guest Lodge & Restaurant

Sleeps 22 people in 7 rooms

44 On Ennis Guest Lodge offers comfortable and affordable accommodation in Ermelo. Each room has a private bathroom For ...

Very Good [3 verified reviews]

  • from 795
  • R
  • 756
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • 44 On Ennis Guest Lodge & Restaurant does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

47.6 km away in Ermelo Hotel

Ermelo Inn

Sleeps 318 people in 159 rooms

The Waenhuis Restaurant offers the best meals with a la carte and buffet dinners as well as full English breakfasts. On ...

  • from 2125
  • R
  • 2019
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

48 km away in Ermelo Guest House

Penny Lane Guest House

Sleeps 20 people in 8 rooms

Located in Ermelo, Penny Lane Guest House is ideally situated just off Kerk Street and is close to all amenities and ...

  • from 1180
  • R
  • 1121
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Penny Lane Guest House does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

48.2 km away in Ermelo Guest House

West Street Inn

Sleeps 24 people in 11 rooms

West Street Inn specializes in the supply of comfortable and luxury accommodation at an affordable rate. We are ...

Excellent [2 verified reviews]

  • from 1000
  • R
  • 950
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

53.7 km away in Badplaas Game Lodge

Nkomazi Game Reserve

Sleeps 28 people in 13 rooms

Guests will experience not only the quietness and solitude, but a sumptuous comfort that basks in the sense of the ...

Excellent [3 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 8500
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is not offered
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm

57.2 km away in Carolina Hotel / Self Catering

Komati Gorge Lodge

Sleeps 50 people in 15 units

TheRiver Lodge Hotel suites have a spacious bedroom (3 of the suites with a double bed and the 4th with twin ...

Excellent [6 verified reviews]

  • from 2370
  • R
  • 2252
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

57.2 km away in Carolina Hotel

The Leopard Suites at Komati Gorge

Sleeps 12 people in 6 units

This untouched expanse of 1200ha with its thorn bushveld and highveld grassland offers an unparalleled experience to ...

  • from 2650
  • R
  • 2518
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is not offered
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

70.3 km away in Badplaas Hotel

Dawsons Game & Trout Lodge

Sleeps 25 people in 10 units

A unique African Experience, at the head of the Nelshoogte Pass, Dawson's offers exclusive luxury in individually ...

Very Good [4 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 5520
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

75.9 km away in Piet Retief Guest House

Aloe Country Lodge

Sleeps 9 people in 5 rooms

Aloe Country Lodge is a charming guesthouse situated on the edge of Piet Retief, a place where old charm meets modern ...

Excellent [2 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 1100
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Aloe Country Lodge does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

77.4 km away in Piet Retief Guest House

B @ Home Guest House

Sleeps 32 people in 14 rooms

B @ Home Guest House offers a warm comfortable stay in tastefully decorated rooms. The guest house is wheelchair ...

Excellent [4 verified reviews]

  • from 1240
  • R
  • 1178
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • B @ Home Guest House does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

82.2 km away in Waterval Boven Hotel / Self Catering

Bergwaters Eco Lodge & Spa

Sleeps 21 people in 9 rooms

Bergwaters Lodge offer 7 chalets with en-suite bathrooms, a family unit with two bedrooms and a bathroom, a ...

Excellent [94 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 910
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

83.1 km away in Machadodorp Hotel / Bed & Breakfast

The Greys Inn

Sleeps 18 people in 9 rooms

The Greys Inn offers nine en-suite hotel rooms each furnished with two three-quarter beds. There is also an undercover ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 800
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • The Greys Inn does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
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  • Find and book hotels in Lothair

  • SA-Venues.com features hotels in Lothair that range from budget to luxury and include resorts, inns, boutique hotels and larger guest houses.

    All our Lothair hotel accommodation offers the kind of service you would expect when staying at an hotel: en-suite rooms, public areas, guest lounges, and dining areas for breakfast and dinner (lunch usually on request).
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