1 Thing To Do in Cove Rock

Showing 1 result

Cove Rock Beach

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
The whole coastline of the Eastern Cape is speckled by massive, pristine beaches that are quiet, vast and nothing short of exquisite. Many of these are fed by ...

Also see 15 nearby things to do

4.6 km away / Beaches & Pools

Igoda Beach

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
Just outside East London, where the Eastern Cape landscapes are characterised by green hills and just about more rivers than trees, is the serenity of the Igoda ...

9.8 km away / Monuments / Sight Seeing

Fort Glamorgan

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
Visit the historical site of Fort Glamorgan in East London, named after the Earl of Glamorgan. Established in 1848 along the Buffalo River, this fort was used as ...

10.3 km away / Museums

Gately House Museum

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
Peruse through the former home of John Gately, an Irish Immigrant who was one of the founders of the municipal council and voted Mayor of East London a number of ...

10.4 km away / Monuments / Sight Seeing

Old East London Wool Exchange

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
During the 1890's, East London established itself as the epicentre of the wool trade in South Africa, with an entire trade and industry existing within the bounds ...

10.5 km away / Lighthouses / Sight Seeing

Hood Point Lighthouse

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
At a height of 19 meters, the Hood Point Lighthouse stands as tall as the pine tress that flank its masonry tower like botanical bodyguards. Smart and proud this ...

10.7 km away / Beaches & Pools

Orient Beach

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
Lying on the eastern side of the Buffalo River on the south end of the esplanade in The Quigney, Orient beach used to be known as the Sandy Beach until 1907 when a ...

10.8 km away / Cycling / Sports & Leisure

3 Silos MTB Adventure Trails

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
Where: Smythelands Road, East London Level: technical, but not difficult; beginners can handle it, though lots of climbs Type of route: 87% single track (18 km, ...

11.4 km away / Monuments

Equestrian Statue

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
East London may be a relatively small town in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, but it has played a major role as an important port (being the only river ...

11.4 km away / Cafés & Eateries

Buccaneers Sports Pub and Grill

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
Buccaneers is an institution in East London, having hosted legendary parties, bands and DJ's over the years. Prepare yourself, because you're bound to have a night ...

11.9 km away / Cultural Villages

Day Visit to Mgwali Village

Overnight? Accommodation in Stutterheim
Experience true Xhosa hospitality on the delightful day trip of Mgwali Village, the oldest village in Eastern Cape. Taste traditional food and enjoy the ...

12.1 km away / Hiking Trails / Sports & Leisure

Strandloper Hiking Trail

Overnight? Accommodation in East London coastline
The Strandloper Trail runs from the Kei River Mouth to Gonubie - almot 60 kms of gorgeous beaches, rivers, cliff tops and coastal forests. It's not called ...

12.5 km away / Water Sports / Family Entertainment

Snorkeling in East London

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
East London is a water sport mecca - every imaginable water sport is practised and catered for in the town. Here are some suggestions for the best snorkelling in ...

12.7 km away / Beaches & Pools / Family Entertainment

Eastern Beach

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
Eastern beach, which lies just past the East London aquarium opposite Marina Glen, is not only one of the city's most central beaches, it's one of the most popular ...

13.9 km away / Cycling / Sports & Leisure

Mountain Biking Near Kidds Beach

Overnight? Accommodation in East London
Enjoy a variety of awesome mountain biking trails around Kidds Beach. There is a route along the actual beach, which also forms part of the Tyolomnqa Nature ...

14.2 km away / Beaches & Pools

Kidds Beach

Overnight? Accommodation in Kidds Beach
Kidds Beach may refer either to the small Kidds Beach village or the beautiful beach of this name, located very close to East London in the Eastern Cape Province ...

Cove Rock as a destination

If you are considering visiting Cove Rock or have already booked your Cove Rock accommodation, then you are probably keen to see what activities are available and what there is to do in the area. Explore our growing selection of Things to Do in Cove Rock and come back and submit your Cove Rock review or suggest an activity if you come across something we've missed.

Also in the neighbourhood

Adelaide, Bedford, Cintsa, East London, Fort Beaufort, Gonubie, Hogsback, Katberg, Kidds Beach, King Williams Town, Stutterheim, Tarkastad, Winterberg

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