Himeville, Drakensberg

About Himeville Arms Pub & Restaurant

The charm of the Himeville Arms country restaurant, Torridon, and its pub is rivalled only by the spectacular setting in which it is idyllically placed. This establishment is more than 110 years old, having been set up in 1904. The history and heritage of the area resonate within its heavy-set walls and beneath its cosy ceilings.

Himeville Arms is situated against the backdrop of the exquisite Drakensberg Mountain Range, which is breath-taking in both its natural beauty and its sheer scale. Visitors come from all over the world to experience the beauty of these mountains. These travellers are invited to experience the old-fashioned approach to great food, friendly service and beautiful surrounds at the pub and restaurant of the Himeville Arms.

At the Himeville, the Torridon restaurant's a la carte menu includes favourites like fresh locally sourced trout and perfectly prepared steaks, all with the irresistible appeal of homemade dishes. Hearty breakfasts, tasty lunches and delicious dinners are all on offer. The wine list is extensive and inclusive, assuring those wanting to pair their meal with the right vintage of plenty of variety.

The pub is a great place to unwind within a warm, welcoming ambience. It is open from 11h00 and serves delicious pub-style meals for lunch or dinner. Locals pop in frequently, particularly the fishermen that have spent the day on the water to source the trout for which this part of KwaZulu-Natal is known. Sharing a drink and a story with these ones gives visitors a unique peak into the allure of some of the loveliest parts of South Africa.

Work up a thirst and an appetite in the area by visiting the Sani Pass, trying your hand at trout fishing, or venturing up one of the many local hiking trails.

Need to Know

WhereHimeville Arms Hotel, Arbuckle Street, Himeville, Drakensberg, KwaZulu Natal.

WhenBreakfast from 07h30 to 09h00.
Lunch from 12h30 to 15h00.
Dinner from 18h30 to 21h00

Telephone+27 (0)33 702-1305

OvernightStay nearby in Himeville, in KwaZulu Natal


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Himeville Arms Pub & Restaurant

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