About Scuba Diving at Thonga Beach Lodge

Mabibi lies adjacent to Africa's southern-most coral reefs making it the only tropical dive site in South Africa. In global terms, Mabibi offers some of the best diving in the world, but it has gone largely unnoticed because of its remoteness. Even in South Africa it has remained secluded and so divers are guaranteed an exciting underwater experience.

More than 1,200 species of fish are found on the reefs off Mabibi, including Moorish idols, parrot fish, blue surgeons and marble and manta rays. The warm Indian Ocean waters also attract huge schools of bottlenose dolphin as well as sharks, whale sharks and turtles. Thonga Beach Lodge, which is part of the Isimangaliso Wetland Park, falls within a protected marine reserve. Because of its protected status, the reefs boast shoals of fish that don't panic when divers approach and are ideal subjects for photographers. The reefs offer a diversity of underwater seascapes including amazing flora, branching, table and plate corals, beautiful overhangs, drop-offs and mushroom-shaped pinnacles.

Conditions are good throughout the year and on a brilliant day visibility can reach up to 40m. The weather is typically subtropical so the water temperature is usually above 20C and in summer can reach 29C. Thonga Beach Lodge has the exclusive right to launch a boat from its private beach - a mere 75m from the lodge.

Need to Know

WhereThonga Beach Lodge, Mabibi / Lake Sibaya, Elephant Coast, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

WhenAvailable to overnight guests.

How muchPrices on request.

More informationSee website

OvernightStay nearby in Mabibi, in KwaZulu Natal


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Things To Do

Thonga Beach Lodge

  • Property TypeResort
  • Guests38
  • Rooms/Units12
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Scuba Diving at Thonga Beach Lodge

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