About Uvongo Beach

The wide-open spaces of Uvongo Beach make it an extremely popular getaway. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful beaches on the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast and, when you’re lying on its white sands and watching the natural waterfall empty into the lagoon, it’s not hard to see why.

Uvongo Beach is safe for swimming, thanks to the shark nets and lifeguards on duty. In addition, the Indian Ocean waters of the South Coast are particularly warm. This makes Uvongo popular amongst surfers; but it is also great for swimming, stand-up paddling, body boarding, and snorkelling. If you’d rather soak up the rays on land, enjoy a good book on the warm sands or play a game of bat-and-ball. Of course, long, lazy walks are a must too.

The tidal pools are stunning for families with little ones that want to splash around without worrying about waves or the water being too deep. The rock pools are irresistible to curious beach-goers that want to explore the marine life here. Colourful anemones and busy crabs are always fun to spot.

Pedal boats and kayaks are available for hire to visitors that want to make their way around the scenic lagoon. Keep the kids busy for hours as they paddle (or pedal) around on the calm, still waters. The little pier is a great spot for fishermen that enjoy watching the ebb and flow of the ocean as they wait for the perfect catch.

The beach can get relatively busy during the peak season (over December and January), but is always a treat for families planning a superb summer vacation spot in South Africa.

Margate’s Shelly Shopping Centre is only a few minutes away from Uvongo Beach. Amanzimtoti is about an hour away, and the urban epicentre of Durban is about 90 minutes from the beach.

Need to Know

WhereUvongo Beach, Uvongo, South Coast, KwaZulu Natal

WhenDaylight hours.

How muchFree

TelephoneNot applicable.

OvernightStay nearby in Uvongo, in KwaZulu Natal


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