Nightlife & Theatre (1 of 4 Things To Do in Lansdowne)
Showing 1 result in the category: Nightlife & Theatre - clear filters
Wheelchair Friendly / Nightlife & Theatre
Oblivion Bar & Kitchen
Overnight? Accommodation in Claremont
Oblivion Bar & Kitchen is a vibrant, inviting, European-inspired bar and laid-back eatery. Featuring a rooftop deck, plush seating, warm fireplaces, and an ...
Also see the 5 closest Nightlife & Theatre around Lansdowne
3.8 km away in Woodstock / Nightlife & Theatre
Star Dust Theatrical Dining
Overnight? Accommodation in Woodstock
Times are hard, and in a town where all the restaurants seem excellent, their food and ambiance top notch, it pays to come up with something a little extra. It ...
3.8 km away in Wynberg / Nightlife & Theatre / Parks & Gardens
Theatre in the Park
Overnight? Accommodation in Wynberg
'This tree or not this tree?' is the question of most Shakespearian students and fans scouting out a pre-theatre picnic spot in the Maynardville Park. Home to ...
3.8 km away in Rondebosch / Nightlife & Theatre
Baxter Theatre
Overnight? Accommodation in Rondebosch
The late Dr. Baxter bequeathed a sum of money to the University of Cape Town (UCT) to build and nurture the arts in and around the city. Opened in 1977 the Baxter ...
6 km away in Observatory, Cape Town / Nightlife & Theatre / Cafés & Eateries
Players Restaurant & Bar
Overnight? Accommodation in Observatory, Cape Town
Players Restaurant & Bar underwent a major renovation in early 2012 improving the look and feel of all areas of the restaurant and bar. We have three bar areas, a ...
6.3 km away in Newlands / Family Entertainment / Nightlife & Theatre
Galileo Open Air Cinema Kirstenbosch
Overnight? Accommodation in Newlands
The Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens are somewhat acclaimed for the excellent entertainment on offer at this exquisite venue; in addition to the impressive ...
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Also in the neighbourhood
Athlone, Claremont, Constantia Valley, Harfield Village, Kenilworth, Mowbray, Newlands, Observatory, Ottery, Pinelands, Plumstead, Rondebosch, Rosebank, Wynberg
Staying Overnight

Haus Anhauser
Located in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town, Haus Anhӓuser is situated in a quiet and safe area. The apartment offers self catering accomm...
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