Walks & Hiking (2 of 17 Things To Do in Observatory)

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 results in the category: Walks & Hiking - clear filters

Parks & Gardens / Walks & Hiking

Liesbeek Parkway green corridor

Overnight? Accommodation in Newlands
One virtually has to be a member of the Friends of the Liesbeek to be aware of this hidden gem of Cape Town. Unbeknownst to them, Capetonians can actually spend ...

Walks & Hiking / Sight Seeing / Parks & Gardens

Kirstenbosch Tree Canopy Walkway

Overnight? Accommodation in Newlands
A highlight for visitors to Kirstenbosch in Cape Town is a steel and wood canopy stands in amongst the trees of Kirstenbosch. Erected to celebrate Kirstenbosch ...

Also see the 5 closest Walks & Hiking around Observatory

2 km away in Cape Town / Hiking Trails / Walks & Hiking

Kings Block house to Kirstenbosch

Overnight? Accommodation in Cape Town
Start: parking area at Rhodes Memorial Finish: Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens Duration: 6 km, roughly 3 hours one way Fitness: moderate Our tip: end your hike ...

2.1 km away in Woodstock / Hiking Trails / Walks & Hiking

Woodstock Cave Hike

Overnight? Accommodation in Woodstock
Start: Rhodes Memorial (you can also park in the last parking area, past the cable station, on Tafelberg Road on Table Mountain and approach the cave this ...

2.2 km away in Newlands / Sight Seeing / Walks & Hiking

Liesbeek River Walk

Overnight? Accommodation in Newlands
Start: the lawns below Kirstenbosch at the main entrance on Rhodes Avenue Finish: Josephine Mill, Newlands Duration: 4.5 km one way (9km return), or you can ...

4.2 km away in Newlands / Walks & Hiking

Littlewort Trail

Overnight? Accommodation in Newlands
This fabulous trail is perfect for the family and is specifically aimed at your little ones. This educational trail teaches kids about the forest and all the beauty ...

4.3 km away in Cape Town Central / Sight Seeing / Walks & Hiking

Tunnel Tour

Overnight? Accommodation in Cape Town Central
Everybody takes a tour of the city, but have you ever taken one underground? The tunnel tour in Cape Town starts at the Castle where you will be told a bit more and ...

Observatory as a destination

If you are considering visiting Observatory or have already booked your Observatory accommodation, then you are probably keen to see what activities are available and what there is to do in the area. Explore our growing selection of Things to Do in Observatory and come back and submit your Observatory review or suggest an activity if you come across something we've missed.

Also in the neighbourhood

Athlone, Claremont, Constantia Valley, Harfield Village, Kenilworth, Lansdowne, Mowbray, Newlands, Ottery, Pinelands, Plumstead, Rondebosch, Rosebank, Wynberg

Staying Overnight

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