About Lembu Gallery

After checking in at your Hermanus accommodation or hotel, the exploring can begin. And, because Hermanus is a town with plenty of history, heritage, and natural beauty; there certainly is a lot of exploring to be done here. The Lembu Gallery is one of the little treasures that Hermanus has to offer locals and visitors.

Lembu is located in an old fishermen's cottage that dates back more than a hundred years. The cottage is near the Old Harbour, which has a quaint vibe and distinct prettiness of its own. This gallery provides a platform for South African and African artists and crafters to exhibit their unique pieces. On display, visitors can find ceramics, paintings, sculptures, jewellery, African artefacts, and intricately woven baskets and basket products.

Elise Macdonald (a surrealist painter) and Catherine Brennon (a talented ceramicist) are both Hermanus-based artists, and their one-of-a-kind pieces can be found at the Lembu Gallery. Lembu is also the home gallery of Ed Bredenkamp, who uses it as his studio too. Bredenkamp is a painter that became well known for his iconic “red elephants”.

Visitors are welcome to visit the studio at which hand-printed fabrics are artfully produced. These fabrics and the products made from them (such as table runners and cushion covers) are on display, and are available to buy. They make excellent gifts and, along with the other works of art, are stunning reminders of your South African travels.

Hermanus is known for the many whales that visit its shores during the latter half of every year. Whale watching can be done from special boats. But, you will even see these gentle giants from the beaches or harbour. Hermanus is about 120 kilometres from Cape Town and its international airport.

Need to Know

WhereLembu Gallery, 10 Harbour Road, Hermanus, Cape Overberg, Western Cape, South Africa

WhenPlease enquire.

How muchFree to browse

Telephone+27 (0)28 312-1187

OvernightStay nearby in Hermanus, in Western Cape


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Lembu Gallery

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