Showing 1 to 19 of 19 - Accommodation in Hilton

Hilton Self Catering

Courtleigh Cottage

Sleeps 6 people in 1 unit

Nestled in the picturesque town of Hilton, in the Natal Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, Courtleigh Cottage provides an ...

Excellent [1 verified review]

  • from 2300
  • R
  • 2185
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Courtleigh Cottage does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Guest House / Self Catering

Gateside Guesthouse

Sleeps 30 people in 9 rooms

Situated in peaceful Hilton village, Gateside Guesthouse is 10 km's from Pietermaritzburg's city centre and set in a ...

Excellent [9 verified reviews]

  • from 900
  • R
  • 855
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Self Catering

The Knoll Historical Guest Farm

Sleeps 47 people in 19 rooms

The Knoll Historical Guest Farm is situated at the gateway of the Midlands Meander close to Pietermaritzburg. The Knoll ...

Excellent [4 verified reviews]

  • from 840
  • R
  • 798
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • The Knoll Historical Guest Farm does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Guest House / Bed & Breakfast

66 On Monzali

Sleeps 12 people in 5 rooms

66 On Monzali offers Natal Midlands accommodation that is well positioned for families, business men hospital visitors ...

Very Good [1 verified review]

  • from 1350
  • R
  • 1283
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Hilton Self Catering

The Gallery at Aloes Farm

Sleeps 5 people in 1 unit

The Gallery is situated on The Aloes Farm, an active 10 ha small-holding, bordering the Hilton College Estate. This ...

  • from 3100
  • R
  • 2945
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 5 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • The Gallery at Aloes Farm does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Self Catering

Desiderata Chalets

Sleeps 4 people in 2 units

Desiderata Chalets each sleep two guests. Each unit has a kitchenette that is fully equipped including an oven, fridge, ...

  • from 950
  • R
  • 903
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Desiderata Chalets does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Guest House

Kings Hill Guest House

Sleeps 6 people in 2 rooms

Kings Hill offers comfortable accommodation in Hilton. While here you are welcome to make use of the swimming pool and ...

  • from 1148
  • R
  • 1091
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Guest House / Self Catering

Hilton Castle

Sleeps 8 people in 3 rooms

Hilton Castle is located in Hilton, between Pietermaritzburg and Howick. It offers three individually decorated units, ...

  • from 750
  • R
  • 713
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • Hilton Castle does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Self Catering

Greenwood Lea Cottage

Sleeps 2 people in 1 unit

Greenwood Lea Cottage is a luxury, romantic cottage which offers self-catering accommodation in Hilton with a garden ...

  • from 1250
  • R
  • 1188
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 2 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Greenwood Lea Cottage does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Guest House / Self Catering

The Hilton Bush Lodge

Sleeps 34 people in 14 units

The Hilton Bush Lodge is situated 200 metres below Hilton, thus enjoying the best of Hilton weather together with ...

Excellent [12 verified reviews]

  • from 1500
  • R
  • 1425
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Bed & Breakfast

Bancroft B&B

Sleeps 8 people in 3 rooms

Located in the forested, evergreen hills of Hilton, above Pietermaritzburg, is Bancroft B&B. We offer three stylish and ...

Excellent [2 verified reviews]

  • from 1330
  • R
  • 1264
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Self Catering

The Shepherds Loft

Sleeps 2 people in 1 unit

The Shepherds Loft offers Hilton accommodation in a lovely garden where you can hear the birds sing in the morning and ...

  • from 1700
  • R
  • 1615
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 2 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • The Shepherds Loft does not have a swimming pool
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Hilton Self Catering

Crofters Loft

Sleeps 2 people in 1 unit

Crofters Loft offers Hilton accommodation nestled in our flowery gardens. Hear the birds sing in the morning and the ...

  • from 1900
  • R
  • 1805
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 2 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Crofters Loft does not have a swimming pool
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Hilton Self Catering

The Studio at The Aloes Farm

Sleeps 6 people in 1 unit

The Studio at The Aloes Farm is a private cottage offering Midlands self catering on an active 10 ha small-holding, ...

Excellent [4 verified reviews]

  • from 2890
  • R
  • 2746
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 6 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • The Studio at The Aloes Farm does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Hilton Self Catering

The Farriers

Sleeps 4 people in 1 unit

The Farriers is a freestanding cottage offering accommodation in Hilton. Here you can enjoy the sound of the birds ...

Excellent [1 verified review]

  • from 1900
  • R
  • 1805
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 4 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • The Farriers does not have a swimming pool
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Hilton Self Catering

The Hayloft

Sleeps 2 people in 1 unit

The Hayloft offers accommodation in Hilton where you can hear the birds sing in the morning and the frogs call at night ...

  • from 1900
  • R
  • 1805
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 2 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • The Hayloft does not have a swimming pool
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Hilton Self Catering

The Croft

Sleeps 6 people in 3 units

The Croft offers accommodation in three cottages nestled in our flowery gardens. Our self catering Hilton hideaway is ...

Excellent [1 verified review]

  • from 1700
  • R
  • 1615
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • The Croft does not have a swimming pool
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Hilton Bed & Breakfast

Hilton View B&B

Sleeps 8 people in 4 rooms

Hilton View B&B is a palatial home offering luxury bed & breakfast accommodation in Hilton with a view towards the ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 1080
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Hilton Self Catering

Villa Santuario Guest House

Sleeps 7 people in 2 units

Villa Santuario offers superior, well appointed self-catering accommodation. "the Studio" is a spacious two bed-roomed ...

Excellent [5 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 1080
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • Airport transfers can be arranged
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
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  • Find and Book Your Perfect Hilton Accommodations

  • We feature a range of places to stay to suit all travel needs and budgets. The Hilton accommodation search facility is easy to use and you can make your accommodation booking online or request a quote from your chosen venues. Hilton accommodation establishments include self-catering, B&Bs, guest houses and hotels.

    Frequently requested facilities are highlighted for each accommodation establishment when available to help you pinpoint appropriate venues, and reviews give you further insight.
South Africa. Explore. Experience. Stay

Why you might choose to stay in Hilton

The distinctly English country village of Hilton with its attractive sense of history lies only 10 kilometres from Pietermaritzburg at the start of the Midlands Meander. Hiltons beginnings originated in the purchase of a large portion of the farm Ongegund in 1857 by Joseph Henderson, whose wife called their farm ‘Hilton’.

Hilton is a good five degrees cooler than Pietermaritzburg, and it is this access to fresh air, coupled with first sightings of the Drakensberg, that lures people to Hilton. With a wide variety of options available, you're sure to find the perfect Hilton accommodation.® has been assisting travellers with their South Africa travel plans since 1999, and is the largest, independent online travel guide for South Africa available in both English and German.