0 Bertrams Accommodation Results

Sorry, there are no properties listed in Bertrams at the moment.
For your convenience, we've listed some alternatives, in nearby towns, below.

Showing the 15 closest establishments (as the crow flies)

1.3 km away in Maboneng Hotel

Hallmark House

Sleeps 92 people in 46 rooms

Hallmark House offers luxury accommodation in the heart of the Maboneng Precinct and is ideal for business or leisure ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 1216
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Hallmark House does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

1.4 km away in Observatory Bed & Breakfast / Self Catering

GL Cottages

Sleeps 54 people in 25 rooms

GL Cottages offers guest accommodation in a haven of peace and tranquility in the midst of Johannesburg's thriving ...

  • from 950
  • R
  • 903
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • Airport transfers can be arranged
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

1.6 km away in Marshalltown Self Catering

Craftmanship Unit 354

Sleeps 2 people in 1 unit

Craftmanship Unit 354 is a spacious, modern, holiday apartment in the city near Marshalltown in Johannesburg. The ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 600
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 2 people
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

1.8 km away in Observatory Guest House

Fuhara Guest Lodge

Sleeps 20 people in 8 rooms

Fuhara Guest Lodge provides bed and breakfast accommodation in eight en-suite rooms. The rooms all have tea / coffee ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 1199
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

2.5 km away in Houghton Guest House / Bed & Breakfast

The Great Gatsby

Sleeps 14 people in 7 rooms

The Great Gatsby in Houghton is conveniently close to Killarney and Rosebank and close to top private schools in the ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 1000
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

2.5 km away in Parktown Hotel

Holiday Inn Johannesburg Sunnyside Park

Sleeps 308 people in 154 rooms

The elegant full service Holiday Inn Johannesburg Sunnyside Park, with surrounding landscaped gardens, situated in ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 1800
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • Airport transfers can be arranged
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm

2.6 km away in Kensington Hotel

Garden Top Hotel

Sleeps 56 people in 28 rooms

The Garden Top Hotel offers accommodation in Johannesburg in the Bezuidenhout Valley, just 3.5km from Kensington and ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 850
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

2.8 km away in Braamfontein Hotel

ANEW Hotel Parktonian

Sleeps 592 people in 300 rooms

The ANEW Hotel Parktonian offers a wide variety of services to ensure a successful and memorable stay, be it for ...

Very Good [8 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 950
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • Airport transfers can be arranged
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

2.9 km away in Kensington Guest House / Bed & Breakfast

Fish Bird Art Deco Villa

Sleeps 8 people in 4 rooms

Fish Bird Art Deco Villa is a hidden gem in the historical leafy suburb of Kensington in Johannesburg. The century-old ...

  • from 1680
  • R
  • 1596
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

3.1 km away in Houghton Self Catering

The Houghton Cottage

Sleeps 5 people in 1 unit

The Houghton Cottage is located in Fellside, a quiet gated neighbourhood right across the road from The Houghton Golf ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 700
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 5 people
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • The Houghton Cottage does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

3.1 km away in Houghton Hotel

Villa Simonne Guest Lodge

Sleeps 26 people in 12 rooms

Villa Simonne's individually themed suites find their inspiration in the history and character of the most enchanting ...

Excellent [1 verified review]

  • from 2416
  • R
  • 2054
  • Conditions apply
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • Airport transfers can be arranged
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

3.1 km away in Marshalltown Hotel

Reef Hotel

Sleeps 60 people in 30 rooms

Situated in Marshalltown within the financial district and views of an ever-bustling city, The Reef Hotel Johannesburg ...

  • from 1090
  • R
  • 1036
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • Airport transfers can be arranged
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Reef Hotel does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

3.2 km away in Observatory Guest House

1945 On Kloof Guesthouse

Sleeps 14 people in 7 rooms

1945 On Kloof IS a charming guesthouse conveniently situated on the corner of Kloof Road and Frederick Street. The ...

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 2050
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

3.2 km away in Newtown Self Catering

The Franklin Apartment 1512

Sleeps 2 people in 1 unit

The Franklin Apartment 1512 is a spacious, loft-style apartment offering Johannesburg self catering in a high-rise ...

  • from 960
  • R
  • 912
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 2 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • The Franklin Apartment 1512 does not have a swimming pool
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm

3.3 km away in Newtown Self Catering

The Franklin Loft Apartment 1602

Sleeps 2 people in 1 unit

The Franklin Apartment 1602 is a spacious, loft-style apartment offering all the amenities & facilities you would ...

  • from 960
  • R
  • 912
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 2 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • The Franklin Loft Apartment 1602 does not have a swimming pool
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm
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  • Find and Book Your Perfect Bertrams Accommodations

  • We feature a range of places to stay to suit all travel needs and budgets. The Bertrams accommodation search facility is easy to use and you can make your accommodation booking online or request a quote from your chosen venues. Bertrams accommodation establishments include self-catering, B&Bs, guest houses and hotels.

    Frequently requested facilities are highlighted for each accommodation establishment when available to help you pinpoint appropriate venues, and reviews give you further insight.
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