Showing 1 to 13 of 13 - Accommodation in Harrismith

Harrismith Guest House

La La Nathi Country Guest House

Sleeps 58 people in 25 rooms

La La Nathi is the ideal accommodation stopover choice, situated on the N3 just outside the historic town of Harrismith ...

Excellent [19 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 850
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Harrismith Guest House

Tom's Place Guesthouse

Sleeps 26 people in 12 rooms

Tom's Place Guesthouse offers guest rooms and cottages, and is located in the town of Harrismith. The guest house is ...

  • from 770
  • R
  • 732
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Tom's Place Guesthouse does not have a swimming pool
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Harrismith Self Catering

Rheola's Guest Cottage

Sleeps 8 people in 1 unit

Rheola's Guest Cottage offers accommodation in a quiet and peaceful suburban area in the quaint town of Harrismith. The ...

Excellent [18 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 700
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 8 people
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Rheola's Guest Cottage does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Harrismith Self Catering

Buffalo Hills Mountain Lodge

Sleeps 15 people in 1 unit

Buffalo Hills Mountain Lodge provides accommodation in Harrismith in five chalets that may only be booked for exclusive ...

  • from 7000
  • R
  • 6650
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 15 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Buffalo Hills Mountain Lodge does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Harrismith Self Catering

Beauchef Farm House

Sleeps 13 people in 1 unit

Beauchef Farm House accommodates 13 guests in four bedrooms. The lounge, which has a cosy fireplace, is comfortably ...

  • from 4000
  • R
  • 3800
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 13 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Beauchef Farm House does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Harrismith Guest House / Bed & Breakfast

The Raz

Sleeps 11 people in 4 rooms

The Raz is situated in an upmarket, friendly area with amazing mountain views and easy access to hiking and cycling ...

  • from 1430
  • R
  • 1359
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Harrismith Hotel

Harrismith Inn

Sleeps 400 people in 113 rooms

Harrismith Inn is a roadside inn located on the N3, halfway between Johannesburg and Durban. The hotel has superb views ...

  • from 1945
  • R
  • 1848
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
  • Always on, powered during loadshedding

Harrismith Self Catering

Buffalo Hills Fishing Cottage

Sleeps 8 people in 1 unit

Buffalo Hills Fishing Cottage is located at Buffalo Hills Private Game Reserve which is situated about 30km south of ...

  • from 2500
  • R
  • 2375
  • unit rate per night
    for up to 8 people
View accommodation

instant booking possible

  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • Buffalo Hills Fishing Cottage does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Harrismith Guest House

Shady Pines Guest House

Sleeps 49 people in 26 rooms

Equidistant from Durban, Johannesburg and Bloemfontein, this beautiful home is situated in spacious gardens with full ...

Excellent [2 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 1170
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Airconditioned rooms are offered
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Swimming pool on site
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Harrismith Self Catering

Ibis Self Catering Unit

Sleeps 6 people in 2 units

Located in the town of Harrismith, Ibis offers accommodation in one bedroom with twin beds and a bathroom with a ...

Excellent [4 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 600
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are allowed by prior arrangement
  • Ibis Self Catering Unit does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Harrismith Bed & Breakfast / Self Catering

Lali's Guest House & Tea Garden

Sleeps 14 people in 6 rooms

Situated at the foot of Platberg in the peaceful town of Harrismith, we offer accommodation in a safe, peaceful and ...

Excellent [5 verified reviews]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 990
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is available
  • No airport transfers
  • No free parking
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Lali's Guest House & Tea Garden does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome

Harrismith Guest House

Africlassic Guest House

Sleeps 12 people in 5 rooms

Africlassic Guest House in Harrismith offers bed only accommodation in a lovely location. From here you can enjoy fresh ...

Very Good [1 verified review]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 890
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is not offered
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Africlassic Guest House does not have a swimming pool
  • All ages are not allowed, some age groups may be allowed, please confirm

Harrismith Guest House

Greensleeves Guesthouse

Sleeps 11 people in 3 rooms

At Greensleeves you can enjoy our warm hospitality in a home away from home environment. Your hosts are Alet and ...

Excellent [1 verified review]

  • tonight from
  • R
  • 800
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Rooms are not airconditioned
  • Free WiFi is not offered
  • No airport transfers
  • Free parking is available
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Greensleeves Guesthouse does not have a swimming pool
  • Family friendly, children of all ages are welcome
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  • We feature a range of places to stay to suit all travel needs and budgets. The Harrismith accommodation search facility is easy to use and you can make your accommodation booking online or request a quote from your chosen venues. Harrismith accommodation establishments include self-catering, B&Bs, guest houses and hotels.

    Frequently requested facilities are highlighted for each accommodation establishment when available to help you pinpoint appropriate venues, and reviews give you further insight.
South Africa. Explore. Experience. Stay

Why you might choose to stay in Harrismith

A rather charming example of a typical Free State town, Harrismith is probably best known by South Africans as the ‘halfway house’ - half way, that is, between Durban and Johannesburg. For years it has served as the midway stop to tank up both on fuel and food.

Suffice it to say that Harrismith has remained in obscurity pretty much until recently. With a wide variety of options available, you're sure to find the perfect Harrismith accommodation.® has been assisting travellers with their South Africa travel plans since 1999, and is the largest, independent online travel guide for South Africa available in both English and German.