Durban Accommodation at Nkosazana Guest House in Glenmore
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  • R
  • 1,450
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
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  • Property TypeGuest House/B&B
  • Guests17
  • Rooms/Units8

Nkosazana Guest House is a Glenmore Bed & Breakfast providing accommodation in 8 guest rooms for anyone visiting the Durban region.

About Nkosazana Guest House

Nkosazana Guest House offers guest house accommodation in Glenmore for tourists visiting the Durban region. Located near one of Durban's oldest suburbs, Glenwood, Nkosazana Guest House offers peace and tranquillity for couples, groups, or families on holiday.


Nkosazana Guest House in Glemnmore has eight guest rooms. Seven of the rooms have en-suite bathrooms and one of the rooms has a separate bathroom down the passage. All the rooms have a desk, personal safe, tea / coffee making facilities, TV with Open View channels and Wi-Fi.

Please see the individual room descriptions with photographs below, to assist you with your choice.

On Site Facilities

The guest house has free Wi-Fi, a guest lounge, swimming pool and secure parking.


Breakfast is included in the rates and served every morning.

The area

Nkosazana Guest House is located within 3km's of the Davenport Eating district, which has a variety of restaurants to choose from. Alternatively, stay in and order delivery from one of the surrounding take away franchises in the area. There is plenty to keep you entertained: from the award-winning restaurants and theatres where you can catch a late meal after a show, to Durban's magnificent beaches and diving spots.

Features you'll appreciate

  • wifi
  • swimming
  • parking
  • kitchen
providedonly in some rooms

In Room / Unit

  • Bathroom (en-suite)
  • Bathroom (separate)
  • Bathroom towels supplied
  • Bed linen supplied
  • Complimentary toiletries
  • Desk
  • Internet connection (wireless)
  • Kitchen (fully equipped)
  • Safe for valuables
  • Smoking: not allowed
  • Tea and coffee facilities
  • Television (with satellite)

On Site

  • Child friendly (all ages)
  • Garden(s)
  • Housekeeping (daily)
  • Parking (off street)
  • Smoking: none indoors
  • Swimming pool

Food & Drink

  • Complimentary tea / coffee
  • Restaurant / dining room


  • Free Wi-Fi

Rooms & Rates

Select your check-in and check-out dates to view availability and the rates applicable.

Room 1 is furnished with a King-size bed and the en-suite bathroom is fitted with a bath, shower, toilet and basin. All the rooms have a desk, personal safe, tea / coffee making facilities, TV with Open View channels and Wi-Fi.

  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Complimentary toiletries  
  • Desk  
  • Internet connection (wireless)  
  • Safe for valuables  
  • Smoking: not allowed  
  • Tea and coffee facilities  
  • Television (with satellite)

Qty: 1
Sleeps: 2 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: are allowed in this room type

Room 2 is furnished with a King-size bed and the en-suite bathroom is fitted with a shower, toilet and basin. All the rooms have a desk, personal safe, tea / coffee making facilities, TV with Open View channels and Wi-Fi.

  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Complimentary toiletries  
  • Desk  
  • Internet connection (wireless)  
  • Safe for valuables  
  • Smoking: not allowed  
  • Tea and coffee facilities  
  • Television (with satellite)

Qty: 1
Sleeps: 2 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: are allowed in this room type

Room 3 is furnished with a King-size bed and the en-suite bathroom is fitted with a shower, toilet and basin. All the rooms have a desk, personal safe, tea / coffee making facilities, TV with Open View channels and Wi-Fi.

  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Complimentary toiletries  
  • Desk  
  • Internet connection (wireless)  
  • Safe for valuables  
  • Smoking: not allowed  
  • Tea and coffee facilities  
  • Television (with satellite)

Qty: 1
Sleeps: 2 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: are allowed in this room type

Room 4 is furnished with a King-size bed and the en-suite bathroom is fitted with a shower, toilet and basin. All the rooms have a desk, personal safe, tea / coffee making facilities, TV with Open View channels and Wi-Fi.

  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Complimentary toiletries  
  • Desk  
  • Internet connection (wireless)  
  • Safe for valuables  
  • Smoking: not allowed  
  • Tea and coffee facilities  
  • Television (with satellite)

Qty: 1
Sleeps: 2 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: are allowed in this room type

Room 5 is furnished with a King-size bed. The separate private bathroom down the passage is fitted with three showers, toilet and basin. All the rooms have a desk, personal safe, tea / coffee making facilities, TV with Open View channels and Wi-Fi.

  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Complimentary toiletries  
  • Desk  
  • Internet connection (wireless)  
  • Safe for valuables  
  • Smoking: not allowed  
  • Tea and coffee facilities  
  • Television (with satellite)

Qty: 1
Sleeps: 2 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: are allowed in this room type

Room 6 is furnished with a double and the en-suite bathroom is fitted with a shower, toilet and basin. All the rooms have a desk, personal safe, tea / coffee making facilities, TV with Open View channels and Wi-Fi.

  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Complimentary toiletries  
  • Desk  
  • Internet connection (wireless)  
  • Safe for valuables  
  • Smoking: not allowed  
  • Tea and coffee facilities  
  • Television (with satellite)

Qty: 1
Sleeps: 2 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: are allowed in this room type

Room 7 is furnished with a double bed and the en-suite bathroom is fitted with a shower, toilet and basin. All the rooms have a desk, personal safe, tea / coffee making facilities, TV with Open View channels and Wi-Fi.

  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Complimentary toiletries  
  • Desk  
  • Internet connection (wireless)  
  • Safe for valuables  
  • Smoking: not allowed  
  • Tea and coffee facilities  
  • Television (with satellite)

Qty: 1
Sleeps: 2 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: are allowed in this room type

Room 8 is a self catering unit that is furnished with a double bed. The en-suite bathroom is fitted with a shower, toilet and basin. The room has a fully equipped kitchenette. All the rooms have a desk, personal safe, tea / coffee making facilities, TV with Open View channels and Wi-Fi.

  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Complimentary toiletries  
  • Desk  
  • Internet connection (wireless)  
  • Safe for valuables  
  • Smoking: not allowed  
  • Tea and coffee facilities  
  • Television (with satellite)

Qty: 1
Sleeps: 2 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: are allowed in this room type

Take the Tour

Verified Host

  • Telephone & email verified
  • Host identification on file
  • Proof of address on file
  • Host on for 3 years

Need to Know

Child policyChildren of all ages are welcome.

Check-in/-out timesCheck-in from 14h00
Check-out by 10h00

Payment methods accepted by the property EFT or secure online payment via

Host on for 3 years

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