Sunbirds Bed & Breakfast in Southbroom Accommodation in KwaZulu Natal
  • tonight
  • R
  • 1,600
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Your card is safe with us; strictest card verification in the industry and we don't store card numbers.
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  • Multiple payment methods:
    credit card, SID instant EFT, bank transfer.
  • See our Payment Protection Guarantee. Now covering travel restrictions due to lockdown regulations.
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  • Property TypeGuest House/B&B
  • Guests6
  • Rooms/Units3

Sunbirds B&B is a Southbroom Bed & Breakfast providing accommodation in 3 guest rooms for anyone visiting the South Coast region.

About Sunbirds B&B

Sunbirds Bed & Breakfast is ideally situated in the quiet and peaceful village of Southbroom. A mere 350m walk down to the pristine Umkobi beach as well as one of the best restaurants in Southbroom.


Sunbirds B&B offers accommodation in Southbroom in luxury king size rooms all with their own patio's and beautiful garden views.

All our rooms have air conditioning and fans for your comfort as well as guest toiletries, hospitality trays, fridge, hospitality DSTV, personal safe, hairdryer and free Wi-Fi.

The perfect place to relax and unwind!


Breakfast is included in the rates and dinner can be enjoyed at one of the restaurants in the area.

The area

We are fortunate in that the Southbroom Golf Course is situated just 1km away and is one of the finest golf courses in KwaZulu Natal offering spectacular sea and surf views from the 4th and 5th tees. San Lameer Golf Course is about 5 km away and Wild Coast Sun Golf Course about 25km away.

Features you'll appreciate

  • wifi
  • air-con
  • swimming
  • parking
  • braai / bbq
providedonly in some rooms

In Room / Unit

  • Air-conditioning
  • Area information booklet
  • Bar fridge
  • Bathrobes
  • Bathroom (en-suite)
  • Bathroom towels supplied
  • Bed linen supplied
  • Complimentary toiletries
  • Desk
  • DVD player
  • Fan(s)
  • Hairdryer
  • Heater(s)
  • International plug point(s)
  • Internet connection (wireless)
  • Patio / verandah / balcony
  • Private pool
  • Smoking: not allowed
  • Tea and coffee facilities
  • Television (with satellite)

On Site

  • Air-conditioning
  • Guest lounge with TV
  • Parking (off street)
  • Safe deposit box (reception)
  • Security (alarm system)
  • Smoking: none indoors
  • Swimming pool

Food & Drink

  • Braai / barbeque (BBQ)


  • Free Wi-Fi

Rooms & Rates

Select your check-in and check-out dates to view availability and the rates applicable.

King or Twin Room

The King or Twin Room is a luxury room furnished with a King-size bed and with beautiful garden views. All our rooms have air conditioning and fans for your comfort as well as guest toiletries, hospitality trays, fridge, hospitality DSTV, personal safe, hairdryer and free Wi-Fi.

  • Air-conditioning  
  • Area information booklet  
  • Bar fridge  
  • Bathrobes  
  • Bathroom (en-suite)  
  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Complimentary toiletries  
  • Desk  
  • DVD player  
  • Fan(s)  
  • Hairdryer  
  • Heater(s)  
  • International plug point(s)  
  • Internet connection (wireless)  
  • Patio / verandah / balcony  
  • Private pool  
  • Smoking: not allowed  
  • Tea and coffee facilities  
  • Television (with satellite)

Qty: 3
Sleeps: 2 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: not allowed in this room type

King Room with Patio

This luxury king size room has it's own patio and beautiful garden views. The room is furnished with a King-size bed. The en-suite bathroom is fitted with a shower, bath tub, hand basins and WC. The rooms have air conditioning and fans for your comfort as well as guest toiletries, hospitality trays, fridge, hospitality DSTV, personal safe, hairdryer and free Wi-Fi.

  • Air-conditioning  
  • Area information booklet  
  • Bar fridge  
  • Bathrobes  
  • Bathroom (en-suite)  
  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Complimentary toiletries  
  • Desk  
  • DVD player  
  • Fan(s)  
  • Hairdryer  
  • Heater(s)  
  • International plug point(s)  
  • Internet connection (wireless)  
  • Patio / verandah / balcony  
  • Private pool  
  • Smoking: not allowed  
  • Tea and coffee facilities  
  • Television (with satellite)

Qty: 1
Sleeps: 2 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: not allowed in this room type

Take the Tour

Verified Host

  • Telephone & email verified
  • Host identification on file
  • Proof of address on file
  • Host on for 7 years

Need to Know

Child policyRegret, no children under 18 are accommodated.

Check-in/-out timesCheck-in from 15h00
Check-out by 10h00

Payment methods accepted by the property EFT or secure online payment via

Host on for 7 years

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