Dullstroom Accommodation at Tonglen Retreat Self-Catering in Mpumalanga
  • tonight
  • R
  • 1,200
  • per room per night
    based on 2 persons
  • Your card is safe with us; strictest card verification in the industry and we don't store card numbers.
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  • Multiple payment methods:
    credit card, SID instant EFT, bank transfer.
  • See our Payment Protection Guarantee. Now covering travel restrictions due to lockdown regulations.
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Our Payment Protection Guarantee only applies if your deposit payment is made via SA-Venues.com
  • Property TypeFarm Stay
  • Guests14
  • Rooms/Units5
  • Minimum Stay2 Nights

Tonglen Retreat is a property for self catering in Dullstroom for anyone visiting the Highlands Meander region.

About Tonglen Retreat

Outside of Dullstroom, set on the highest mountain, overlooking the magnificence of Mpumalanga exists a place unlike any other, Tonglen Retreat. With a huge space to roam on the roughly 300-hectare farm, nature lovers come from far and wide to walk, run, bicycle, hike or merely meander gently for hours on end.

As an ancient piece of ground, we have many relics to be discovered, one being the Koi San runes part of Adams Calendar and our very unique labyrinth.

Self Catering Accommodation

Tonglen Retreat offers one self catering cottage and four Khayas. The Khayas are designed for groups as they have a separate fully functional industrial kitchen stocked with everything you need perfect for catering or feeding the family.

Please see the individual unit descriptions with photographs below, to assist you with your choice.

On Site Facilities

The centerpiece of the farm is our Dharma centre, which has two huge rooms. Room 1 has a double sided fireplace and two seating areas with couches, massage table, games and extra blankets. Room 2 is the Activities Room with a fireplace, table tennis and couches.Wood is supplied for the fireplaces. There is also the unique labyrinth and braai facilities.

Fresh spring running water always accessible for drinking and bathing (our showers are powered by a donkey broiler which we maintain for you). Cleaning services are available at an additional daily cost.

Please Note

The property is only accessible by 4x4 or high clearance vehicles. A shuttle service is available for 8 plus persons at an additional fee.

Features you'll appreciate

  • parking
  • kitchen
  • braai / bbq
  • fireplace
providedonly in some rooms

In Room / Unit

  • Bathroom (en-suite)
  • Bathroom towels supplied
  • Bed linen supplied
  • Fireplace
  • Kitchen (fully equipped)
  • Patio / verandah / balcony
  • Smoking: not allowed

On Site

  • Child friendly (all ages)
  • Parking (off street)

Food & Drink

  • Braai / barbeque (BBQ)


  • Other transfers available
fluentsome understanding

Languages Spoken

  • English

Rooms & Rates

Select your check-in and check-out dates to view availability and the rates applicable.

The Cottage has three bedrooms. The main bedroom is furnished with a Queen-size bed. The other two bedrooms are furnished with two single beds each. The bathroom is fitted with a bath, toilet and basin. There is a separate outside shower heated by a donkey boiler which our staff will light for guests. There is a fully equipped kitchen and a fireplace. Please note there is no electricity in the cottage and lighting is by means of paraffin lamps.

  • Bathroom (en-suite)  
  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Fireplace  
  • Kitchen (fully equipped)  
  • Patio / verandah / balcony  
  • Smoking: not allowed

Qty: 1
Sleeps: 6 guests (max 6 adults)
Children: are allowed in this room type

The four Khayas are each furnished with two single beds. Each Khaya has a bathroom with a shower, toilet and basin. There is a fireplace in each room. All the Khayas utilize the communal kitchen which is fully equipped and also has inside and outside seating.

  • Bathroom (en-suite)  
  • Bathroom towels supplied  
  • Bed linen supplied  
  • Fireplace  
  • Kitchen (fully equipped)  
  • Patio / verandah / balcony  
  • Smoking: not allowed

Qty: 4
Sleeps: 3 guests (max 2 adults)
Children: are allowed in this room type

Take the Tour

Verified Host

  • Telephone & email verified
  • Host identification on file
  • Proof of address on file
  • Host on SA-Venues.com for 2 years

Need to Know

Child policyChildren of all ages are welcome

Check-in/-out timesCheck-in from 14h00
Check-out by 10h00

Payment methods accepted by the property EFT or secure online payment via SA-Venues.com

Host on SA-Venues.com for 2 years

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