In the 'hood, Orchards as a destination

The rather small, well established suburb of Orchards lies virtually around the corner from trendy Norwood, its tree-lined streets and large, timeless homes, many of which have either been renovated or subdivided into apartments, places one in the heart of the northern suburbs of Johannesburg, close to neighbouring Oaklands, and only a 10 minute leisurely drive along the back roads to Sandton ... cont.

53 Garden Road, Orchards, Johannesburg, 2192, Gauteng, South Africa

Directions to Garden Place

From Johannesburg OR Thambo International Airport:
Travel out of the Airport and follow the signs for Johannesburg.
Keep following the signs for Johannesburg; this road will pass Eastgate Shopping Center on your left.
At the 2nd set of traffic lights turn right into Queen Street.
Pass Bruma Lake on your right hand side.
Travel over the traffic lights and up the hill.
At the top of the hill you will find a traffic circle, turn right.
Follow the road round to the left, to another traffic circle, turn right into Sylvia's Pass.
Follow this road, it is windy down to the bottom, over the traffic lights to a T-junction, at the T-junction turn left into 7th Street.
At the first road turn right into 8th Avenue.
Travel along this road over 2 stop streets at the T-junction turn left into Dunnotar Street.
You will get to a set of traffic lights, turn right into Louis Botha Avenue and then a very quick left into Garden Road.
We are one and a half blocks down on the right hand side, No. 53 Garden Road, Orchards.

Amenities in the area

  • Bus Line (1 km)
  • Business Services (1 km)
  • Dry Cleaner (1 km)
  • Foreign Exchange (1 km)
  • Grocery Store (1 km)
  • Internet Café (1 km)
  • Laundromat (1 km)
  • Post Office (1 km)
  • Restaurants / Eateries (1 km)
  • Shopping Mall (1 km)
  • Bank and/or ATM (2 km)
  • Bars and/or Nightlife (2 km)
  • Car Hire (5 km)
  • Train Station (5 km)
  • Airport (8 km)

other destinations in Johannesburg

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