In the 'hood, Ramsgate as a destination

Ramsgate is a quaint seaside village on the South Coast of KwaZulu Natal, situated about four kilometres south of Margate. Ramsgate is located on the mouth of a river known by the Zulu name Bilanhlolo ("the marvellous boiler") for the bubbles caused by strong currents making it look like the water is boiling. Ramsgate is an extremely popular holiday town, especially with locals. This is in ... cont.

Frant Drive, off Marine Drive, Ramsgate, 4235, South Coast, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Directions to Le Touessrok 14

We are 135 kms south from the spaghetti junction in Durban. Head South on the freeway from the spaghetti junction N2 toward Port Shepstone.You will arrive at the Port Shepstone toll gate approximately 1h50 later. Stay on the freeway; go past the first off ramp to Shelly Beach. Go past the second off ramp to Uvongo and Margate North. Turn off at the third off ramp take exit 29 Ramsgate / R620 / Margate.

At stop street turn left onto Alford Avenue heading towards the sea. Half a kilometer further you will arrive at a stop street, this is the junction with the old main road called Marine Drive, turn right and go down a steep hill, at the bottom on the left you will see the Waffle House near first bridge.

Continue heading south through Ramsgate, pass the BP garage, cross over a second bridge, Le Touessrok Gate 2 is 300m further, turn left onto Frant Drive, and first left into Gate 2.

Amenities in the area

  • Filling Station (1 km)
  • Laundromat (1 km)
  • Restaurants / Eateries (1 km)
  • Bank and/or ATM (2 km)
  • Bars and/or Nightlife (2 km)
  • Grocery Store (3 km)
  • Pharmacy (3 km)
  • Business Services (5 km)
  • Shopping Mall (5 km)
  • Airport (7 km)
  • Car Hire (7 km)

other destinations on the South Coast

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