Set against the backdrop of the Swartberg, surrounded by fields of barley and wheat, is the little town of Caledon, just 110 km east of Cape Town. Caledon is famous for its hot springs, discovered by the early Khoi-Khoi people before the Europeans attributed healing properties to the iron-rich waters and opened a sick house and later a sanatorium, which was destroyed by fire. The seven ... cont.
Heidelberg, Bettys Bay, De Hoop, De Kelders, Gansbaai, Kleinbaai, Grabouw, Greyton, Hermanus, Vermont, Sandbaai, Kleinmond, Malgas, Pringle Bay, Stanford, Swellendam, Witsand, Botrivier, Baardskeerdersbos, Pearly Beach, Elgin, Riviersonderend, Barrydale, Cape Agulhas, Villiersdorp, Hawston, Tesselaarsdal, Suurbraak, Rooi Els, Onrus, Buffeljagsrivier, Suiderstrand, Franskraal, Fisherhaven® has been assisting travellers with their South Africa travel plans since 1999, and is the largest, independent online travel guide for South Africa available in both English and German. © 1999-2025. All Rights Reserved. Find and book hotels and accommodation in South Africa. Sitemap