In the 'hood, Biggarsberg as a destination

Situated on the N11 between Ladysmith and Newcastle, Biggarsberg, rather than being a town per se, is the name of a range of mountains that run from north-west to south-east between Glencoe and Ladysmith. Drive along the N11 and there isn't much to indicate that you are in Biggarsberg, other than undulating hills that easily bring to mind the age-old song 'Green are the hills of Natal' and the ... cont.

Mielietuinspruit Farm, Collings Pass Road, Biggarsberg, Battlefields, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Thatcher's Rest Self Catering Cottage

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Amenities in the area

  • Bank and/or ATM (50 km)
  • Grocery Store (50 km)
  • Restaurants / Eateries (50 km)
  • Shopping Mall (70 km)
  • Airport (360 km)

other destinations in the Battlefields

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